You should start writing!

A statement easier said than done.

This site is in a perpetual state of being WIP. I work on it whenever I remember to. If you want to contribute, feel free to reach out

Over the years, I have heard many people tell me some variation of the following:

"I would love to start writing, but insert thing here is stopping me!"

This guide was made to try and take out as many of those excuses as possible. While this guide will not turn you into a master writer, it will hopefully give you the motivation to begin writing things of your own.

Writing is an incredibly fun pasttime, and the writer of this guide hopes that you will learn to enjoy it as well, regardless of skill.

This guide assumes the following things from you:

  • You have a good grasp on the English language.
  • You have a working internet connection.
  • That's it!

All you need to start writing is a basic knowledge of the language you want to write in. This is a guide targeted at an English speaking audience, so this guide will assume that you are reasonably proficient in English. In theory, you do not actually need a working internet connection to follow the steps in this guide, however this guide will mostly discuss digital writing, as that is the age of the world we live in.

With all that being said, kick back, relax, and prepare to write.



This is a page I am using to test various features of mdBook on prod. It will be removed in the future.

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